
Why we should welcome unisex restrooms

October 2, 2013 Ami Dudley 0

While the installment of unisex restrooms on Georgia State’s campus is the initiative of Georgia State’s Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity in the interest of transgender and gender non-conforming students, it’s an initiative that […]


What comes first?

September 11, 2013 Raven Naquelle 0

Having people tell you to get your priorities straight is kind of frustrating, especially when your top priority isn’t taken seriously by others.

Dollars and Sense with Mitch

Rate My College, Redux

September 4, 2013 Mitchell Oliver 0

“Over the past three decades, the average tuition at a public four-year college has gone up by more than 250 percent,” President Obama stated as he visited a college in Buffalo, NY recently. Gasps were […]


“The Dream”: 50 Years Later

August 30, 2013 Raven Naquelle 0

On August 28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lead the March on Washington and delivered his famous “I Have A Dream” speech. He spoke of a world where all people, regardless of race, could […]

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