Flying Past the Flyers

Campus flyer boards for advertisements and announcements are like email accounts, complete with junk mail. Problem is, you can’t have the junk flyers sent to your trash. When students like Mechelle Pollard are on the go, finding anything of use on the board can be tedious and determined not worthy. “I find myself slipping on flyers scattered by the stairwells of GCB,” Mechelle informs me. These colorful flyers, wildly stapled and crammed together, create more of a failed art project!

So, why should students care about these “eye soars” they pass by daily? Well asks yourself these following questions: Do you know that GSU has its own chapel for mass? Do you know you could enjoy free pizza while discussing the legalization of marijuana? Do you know students can get $35 Brazilian wax discounts? Do you know that this very newspaper you’re reading is hiring? If you answered no to at least 2 of these questions then continue reading.

Many of our fellow students take the time out of their busy schedules to start organizations. Once a week they buy a box of doughnuts, a big bag of chips, and a couple of 6 pack sodas to make sure newcomers feel at home. As the minutes go by, they sit tapping their heels on the desk and it becomes clear: No one got the flyer. These organizations are often very informative and can establish bonds between students. But because students won’t fish through clutter to find out about these opportunities, many student organizations find themselves with low turnouts.

So, what can be done about this? Glad you ask! One word sums up my solution: CATEGORIES. Discounts, Parties, Organizations, Hiring, Gigs, Free Food, and Roommates are just some of the categories we can have in colorful bold font on the flyer board. Under these respective categories will be the appropriate flyers. How simple and clean is that?! No more scouting the board, blocking others in the hallway, just to find a roommate opening.

But won’t people just place their flyers wherever they want? If they’re smart they won’t undermine the rules of the board. Check out this quick scenario: Paul, a student who prides himself on his ability to acquire a 3 course meal complete with dessert at lunch by munching on his friends plates, goes to the flyer board to find free food announcements. With our new and improved board his piercing eyes will shoot right to the “Free Food” announcements. If he does not find anything, he won’t waste time searching the roommate section for free pizza flyers.

Whether you’re looking for a few discounts, a spot to hit up Friday night, or a new roommate to replace that last scumbag, finding the flyer just for you should only take a second. This also grants you a few extra seconds to check out a couple other flyer sections and ultimately benefits the entire student body. The easy part is done here. Now we’ve just got to find a staple remover!