You Have One Shot

You have one shot.

Okay, so technically you have as many shots as the magazine clip will hold, but none without a gun at all.

Should firearms be allowed on campus? Given the recent tragedy at Sandy Hook, and past tragedies such as Virginia Tech and Columbine, how can we not afford people the right to defend themselves?

In response to the Sandy Hook tragedy, an Ohio pro-gun group recently announced that they would provide free gun training to teachers and administrators as part of an “Armed Teacher Training Program,” which has provoked a majority anti-gun response from media outlets.

The first person the Sandy Hook shooter encountered at the elementary school was the principal. Imagine how this situation could’ve played out if the principal was armed, and properly trained, with a conceal carry weapon. She could’ve stopped the shooter dead in his tracks, literally.

The principle was said to have lunged at the gunman in an attempt to stop his attack. If she was willing to sacrifice herself as she did, why not give her a fighting chance?

In an article by, the writer claimed, “Arming teachers is illogical. More guns in classrooms, inevitably, will lead to accidents and unintended harm. Shootouts between teachers and gunmen is unlikely to be a net positive for students.”

Who’s to say that the unintentional accidents will outweigh the potential lives saved by having armed teachers and/or administrators?

At Virginia Tech, students and teachers barricaded themselves inside classrooms seeking shelter during the shooter’s rampage. What if one of the students or teachers had been armed and trained?

Let’s be honest, if a crazy person is determined to make a statement by causing mass mayhem via gun violence, then there is very little that can stop said person besides a gun. Criminals don’t obey gun laws.

And if this person’s goal is to cause the maximum amount of damage, where do you think this person is likely to go; the school with the “Gun-Free zone” signs or the school where teachers, and possibly students, are armed?

It’s shooting fish in a barrel versus trying to rob a gun store.

In Kennesaw, officials attribute their drop in crime to a law requiring home-owners to possess at least one gun with ammunition. And it makes sense. What criminal is likely to try and rob a house in a city that has a law requiring its residents to own a gun?

It’s a fact that this country was founded on guns. It was the “shot” heard round the world, not the bleeding heart liberal.

We need to look at the second amendment in the same way we look at our insurance policy. You hope that you never have to use it, but you’re glad you have it if you do.

When you’re staring down the barrel of a gun, there’s little more comforting than being able to return fire in self-preservation.