VOX of the Week: March 27

Are you aware of the Student Government Association elections coming up?



Ella Sviriza
Are you aware of the Student Government Association elections coming up?
“No. I haven’t read anything about it. I haven’t seen any flyers. I don’t know much about it.”

How do you think they can get more people more aware about it?
“Probably in email or something like that ‘cause that’s the only way I remember stuff.”

If you knew more about it, would you vote?



Jeffrey Lester
Are you aware of the Student Government Association elections coming up?
“Yeah, I’m aware. I’ve seen it around … pretty much in here [the Student Center] and in the library.”

Do you plan on voting?
“No, because I don’t care. It doesn’t affect me, does it? Are they lowering tuition? Are they giving out scholarships? I feel like it’s like make-believe a bit. If I knew what it was and what it could do, maybe I would care. But it always seems like student government is, like, ‘You’re not setting the prices or anything, so I don’t think you got the answers I’m looking for.”

Do you think other students are aware about SGA Elections?
“I guess, but it just depends. I don’t think SGA Elections [is] the most important thing in students’ lives right now, so that might be it. I mean, you gotta make sure you get good grades, you gotta study for tests, you gotta get out there and vote for the ‘imaginary leader,’ you know. I think they’re aware; I just don’t think they care.”

How do you think they can get more people to care?
“Do something that matters … I feel like I don’t ‘feel’ the good results of SGA or anything like that.”


Samuel Poole
Are you aware of the Student Government Association elections coming up?

Do you plan on voting?

Do you think other students are aware about the elections?
“I don’t believe they are. Some of them are, but as far as the whole student body I know, some of them aren’t aware.”

How do you think they can get more people aware?
“Just advertisements, posters. They can hold a meeting, like just say, ‘Oh, we’re going to be in this place for SGA,” or being around the campus, like, promoting themselves and just letting people know. ‘Cause the reason I know is I have friends doing it, so I’m kind of knew what was going on with it so that’s why.”




Rollamarie Wilson
Are you aware of the Student Government Association elections coming up?
“I’ve seen stuff on Instagram, but not anything while on campus or anything.”

Do you plan on voting?
“No, ‘cause I don’t know anyone here. ‘Cause I just transferred last semester so I don’t really do much stuff except for go to class and go home.”

Do you think other students are aware about the elections?
“I think so, yeah, because if they’re on Instagram and stuff like that, they might be aware of it. Other than that, I’m not sure.”

How do you think they can get more people aware?
“I guess you could try doing stuff during Plaza and showing up or even while people are here, just talking or having posters up. Just make it known.”