University to hold introductory awareness meeting on Nichiren Buddhism

SGI-USA/Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism Organization will be having an introductory meeting on Nichiren Buddhism Thursday, April 25at 7 p.m. in Langdale Hall, room 215.

The organization wants to raise students and faculty awareness to promote peace at Georgia State by hosting a meeting each month.

Deborah Marshall has practiced Buddhism for 40 years, and encourages people all over the world to have faith, vitality and fortune by practicing Daishonin Buddhism.

“We are trying to overcome war,” Marshall said. “Young generations need to become aware that they are the causes that are going to make the future because otherwise chaos, stupidity, greed, anger will prevail, and take over them. And as human beings we can do something about it!”

According to Marshall, Nichiren Buddhism silently works for peace and promotes their president, President Daisaku Ikeda. Ikrda silently swore he will make world peace happen by finding “NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO”.

“The saying NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO is the key to unlocking your highest potential,” Marshall said.

To learn more, contact the organization at 404-817-8100 or visit the SGI-USA Atlanta location at 510 14St. Atlanta, Ga.