Two more armed robberies in Georgia State library

Students keep bustling through Library North after the morning robberies | Photo by Sean Keenan

Students keep bustling through Library North after the morning robberies | Photo by Sean Keenan
Students keep bustling through Library North after the morning robberies | Photo by Sean Keenan

The Georgia State library’s silence has been broken again. After only about a week following the Jan.14 armed robbery, two students were robbed at gunpoint today.

According to a campus broadcast, the two students’ computers were stolen this morning inside of Library North on the third and fourth floors after 7:40 a.m. The incidents occurred within four minutes of each other.

Deputy Chief Mullis of Georgia State University Police Department (GSUPD) said the department is developing a list of suspects, and the incidents happened on two different floors.

“It’s possible these incidents are connected,” Mullis said.

But he said he has no additional information at this time.

Charlotte Duffy, Georgia State history major, said she feels unsafe, since she is a regular visitor in the library.

“It could be a coincidence, or it could be the same person. It’s kind of scary,” she said.

GSUPD watches over the afternoon crowd after a hectic morning | Photo by Sean Keenan
GSUPD watches over the afternoon crowd after a hectic morning | Photo by Sean Keenan

Salma Hussein, Georgia State english major, said this semester is scary to her, and the security presence should increase. She also said she thinks students should not be left unsupervised on the quiet floors of the library.

“This is my second semester at Georgia State, and this is scary stuff,” she said. “I feel like students should study in threes.”

These two robberies are the third and fourth armed robberies, respectively, to occur in Georgia State’s library, and the fifth since Dec.15.

GSUPD added more plainclothes officers to their library patrol after the Jan 14. incident, according to Campus Crime Alerts.

1 Comment

  1. Get your shit together GSU. This doesn’t happen in Athens. If you continue to scare away white suburban students, you won’t have much of a future. It should be painfully obvious that your flunky police force is in cahoots with these thugs……….

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