Students’ thoughts on President Obama’s inauguration

Georgia State students were asked what they thought of President Obama’s second inauguration and how it went. Here’s what they had to say:


“It was very well done, however I think people focused to much on what Michelle was wearing than the politics and what the moment stood for.”

–  Daniela Natal, Senior


“It was very well put together and I am very excited about (Obama’s) second term. I especially liked the (Inauguration) Ball. I feel as if the events brought all races together and represented America.”

–  Corey Webb-Turner, Senior


“The inauguration is like a rally for voters who voted for him, and served its purpose very well. However, I feel as if the coverage was horrible. News personalities were nitpicking and reading too much into every movement Obama and his family made.”

–  Nisa Floyd, Freshman


“I felt as if Obama’s speech came of more as a State of the Union address and that everything was made into being about race. It was MLK day also, which played a role.”

–  Aksah Patel, Junior


“I really liked that there were more Latinos in power featured than ever before. I am not used to seeing that.”

–  Cesar Lainez, Sophomore


“I honestly did not watch it. I don’t see the point of there being a second inauguration when (Obama) had one four years ago.”

–  Miscellaneous


“I feel as if the President was well-spoken in his speech and that he spreads idealism. I also think that Beyoncé did her thing with her rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. I thought that the interaction between her and Jay-Z as well as Barack and Michelle were examples that Black love can last; I found it touching.”

–  Oluotayo Akintoye, Senior


“I felt that Obama really knows the direction that he wants to go in more so than last inauguration. He has big plans.”

–  Anthony Neal


“It affected me personally how Obama made a point to address his support for equality for gay, immigrants and other minorities. I am gay, and if I want to get married, it is nice to know that my President supports that.”

– Halle Martin, Sophomore