Olympian Lolo Jones official cancels date with Harry Lyles Jr.

After accepting a date with Georgia State Student, Harry Lyles Jr. this past July, Olympian, Lolo Jones has officially cancelled the date.

Lyles had a feeling that the date was no longer going to happen.

“I could tell she wasn’t going to come through with the date. I just wish I wouldn’t have been led on and had my time wasted,” Lyles said.

He simply believes that Jones did not want to go on a date with him. Even though he understood her strenuous schedule, he was still disappointed that he was not told up front about the cancellation.

Lyles is still very thankful for the 150,000 plus people that helped him receive the date in the first place, and if he could do it all over again he would.

“A date with Lolo Jones would have been cool, but it was never going to be the highlight of my life. I believe my career will take me places that I could have never imagined going, and I am looking forward to what my future brings,” Lyles said.