How old is too old for Halloween?

As the seasons change so have a lot of stores displays. This is the time of year when pumpkins are really popular and places like Party City are frequently visited; it’s nearing Halloween. Since we’re not kids anymore, should we still be partaking in the holiday festivities? I say yes.

Halloween is more than just dressing in costumes and racking up on cavities; Halloween is just flat out fun. It’s right after midterms and this gives everyone a chance to wind down or celebrate getting midway through the semester. After being on edge for almost two months, it’s good to be able to let loose at a party or a mini horror movie night with your friends.

Halloween is almost unavoidable. Even if you don’t directly celebrate or recognize the day, you’re still surrounded by it. As children, we’d dress up as our favorite superheroes or princesses while our guardians accompanied us for trick or treating and later inspected our candy; as teens you maybe attended a party.

In college there’s still hundreds of costumes and parties, but we traded candy for alcohol. And when you’re a little older, you begin passing out candy to the trick or treat-ers who ring your door bell.

How do we make the most of our Halloween? Like everything else you need to know your limits. You can’t attend every Halloween turnt up and you don’t need to drink every magical potion; keep in mind you want to actually remember the merriments of the day and night.

Yes, you want to have a good time, but you shouldn’t abandon all responsibilities. There’s no telling what kind of ghouls and goblins you’ll run into. For all of my legal adults: if you know you’re going to drink, please make arrangements to take a shuttle, cab or call campus security. Do whatever you have to avoid drunk driving. Car crashes and accidents won’t take the night off just because you have.

What are some alternatives to partying? Have a horror film movie night with some of your friends. Not everyone likes to party and there are a lot of people that are homebodies; if you’re already gathered at a friend’s apartment you can possibly spend the night. This way you if you do choose to drink you don’t have to worry about driving.

So how old is too old for Halloween? There isn’t an age limit. The activities you choose to be apart may be more adult oriented as the years progress, but those aren’t your only options. Whatever you choose to do, remember to be safe. And check out next week’s Halloween issue of the Signal for more activities and ideas!